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CE Catch Up 2020 (MUSC, Charleston)

CE Catch Up
Hosted by Alpha Kappa Chapter, Phi Delta Chi, MUSC College of Pharmacy
March 28, 2020
9:00 am to 4:30 pm
Now being held online!
REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  MARCH 21, 2020  (no refunds after this date)
Register online at:
Credit card payments accepted online*:
*A convenience fee of 3.5% will be added to your tuition to cover online payment processing.
For questions about registration, please contact Lyric Chaplin –
Program Agenda:
8:00 am-
9:00 am
Check In and Breakfast
9:00 am-
10:00 am
Medication Safety Pearls
Whitney Simerlein, PharmD; Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
ACPE UAN 0062-9999-20-078-L05-P/T
(1.0 credit hours, 0.1 CEU; knowledge-based)
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Determine the root cause of commonly seen errors in both outpatient and inpatient pharmacy settings
  2. Identify strategies for reducing patient harm with prescribing, storing, preparing, dispensing, and administering medications
  3. Recognize the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to medication safety
10:00 am-10:15 am
10:15 am-
11:15 pm
Updates in anticoagulation: the Do’s and Don’ts of DOAC use
Emmeline Tran, PharmD, BCPS; Assistant Professor, Medical University of South  Carolina; Charleston, SC
ACPE UAN 0062-9999-20-079-L01-P/T
(1.0 credit hours, 0.1 CEU; disease state management/drug therapy; application-based)
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of the program, the pharmacist will be able to:
  1. Recognize indications for direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) therapy
  2. Identify safety concerns associated with the use and monitoring of anticoagulant therapy
  3. Evaluate patient-specific parameters when selecting anticoagulation regimens
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Recognize indications for direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) therapy
  2. Identify drug-drug interactions associated with the use of anticoagulant therapy
  3. Classify clinical scenarios in which DOAC therapy may not be appropriate
11:15 am -
12:15 pm
Use of MAT in the treatment of opioid use disorder
Samuel Schumann, MD, MSCR; Assistant Professor of Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
ACPE UAN 0062-9999-20-076-L08-P/T
(1.0 credit hours, 0.1 CEU; knowledge-based)
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Identify indications for initiation of medication assisted treatment
  2. Describe the options available for medication assisted treatment and characteristics which influence selection of a treatment option for a specific patient
  3. Outline current delivery methods for medication assisted treatment
12:15 pm-
1:00 pm
1:00 pm-
3:00 pm
New Drug Update 2019-2020
C. Wayne Weart, Pharm.D., BCPS, FASHP, FAPhA; Professor, MUSC College of Pharmacy
ACPE UAN 0062-9999-20-080-L01-P/T
(2.0 credit hours, 0.2 CEU; knowledge-based)
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Discuss guidelines for Type 2 diabetes, lipids, resistant hypertension, HFrEF, and asthma
  2. Describe current information concerning new FDA approved medications in the selection of evidence-based pharmacotherapy
3:00 pm-
3:15 pm
3:15 pm-
4:15 pm
Health Literacy – What is it? Why does it matter? How is it measured?
Anthony DeClue, PharmD; Assistant Professor, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC
ACPE UAN 0062-9999-20-077-L04-P/T
(1.0 credit hours, 0.1 CEU; knowledge-based)
Learning Objectives:
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Describe health literacy, how it is different from plain literacy, and identify some major components and related topics
  2. Describe the clinical significance of health literacy as an indicator of health outcomes including potential health disparities
  3. Explain the progressive development of measuring and screening tools of health literacy
  4. Discuss some key current initiatives taking place in efforts to improve health literacy
4:15 pm-
4:30 pm
Wrap Up and Accessing CE Documentation

Date: Mar 28, 2020 09:00 AM - 04:30 PM

CE Hours


CE Units


Activity Type

  • Knowledge-Based and Application-Based

Target Audience(s)

  • Pharmacists
  • Pharmacy Technicians


Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education
The University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.


Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Kappa Chapter, Medical University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy

Requirements for CE Credit

To claim credit for a session, participants must sign-in at and attend the entire session.  Participants must complete online evaluations (providing their correct NABP e-profile number and day/month of birth) in order to have credit reported to the NABP CPE Monitor.  Evaluations should be completed and credit claimed within 30 days of the live program to ensure transmission to the NABP CPE Monitor.  The NABP CPE Monitor will not accept any credit claimed and transmitted greater than 60 days from the date of the live program.
To verify your NABP e-Profile number and day/month of birth on record with NABP, please visit their website by selecting the link below.





At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Determine the root cause of commonly seen errors in both outpatient and inpatient pharmacy settings
  2. Identify strategies for reducing patient harm with prescribing, storing, preparing, dispensing, and administering medications
  3. Recognize the benefits of a multidisciplinary approach to medication safety


Whitney Simerlein, PharmD, BCACP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, MUSC Specialty Pharmacy

Activity Number

Date: 03/28/20
Time: 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

CE Hours



At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist will be able to:
  1. Recognize indications for direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) therapy
  2. Identify safety concerns associated with the use and monitoring of anticoagulant therapy
  3. Evaluate patient-specific parameters when selecting anticoagulation regimens
At the completion of this activity, the pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Recognize indications for direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) therapy
  2. Identify drug-drug interactions associated with the use of anticoagulant therapy
  3. Classify clinical scenarios in which DOAC therapy may not be appropriate


Emmeline Tran, PharmD, BCPS
Assistant Professor, Medical University of South Carolina

Activity Number

Date: 03/28/20
Time: 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

CE Hours



At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Identify indications for initiation of medication assisted treatment
  2. Describe the options available for medication assisted treatment and characteristics which influence selection of a treatment option for a specific patient
  3. Outline current delivery methods for medication assisted treatment


Samuel Schumann, MD, MSCR
Assistant Professor, MUSC

Activity Number

Date: 03/28/20
Time: 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

CE Hours



At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Discuss guidelines for Type 2 diabetes, lipids, resistant hypertension, HFrEF, and asthma
  2. Describe current information concerning new FDA approved medications in the selection of evidence-based pharmacotherapy


C. Wayne Weart, PharmD, FASHP, FAPhA
Professor Emeritus Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Outcome Sciences and Professor of Family Medicine, MUSC College of Pharmacy

Activity Number

Date: 03/28/20
Time: 01:00 PM - 03:00 PM

CE Hours



At the completion of this activity, the pharmacist and pharmacy technician will be able to:
  1. Describe health literacy, how it is different from plain literacy, and identify some major components and related topics
  2. Describe the clinical significance of health literacy as an indicator of health outcomes including potential health disparities
  3. Explain the progressive development of measuring and screening tools of health literacy
  4. Discuss some key current initiatives taking place in efforts to improve health literacy


Anthony DeClue, PharmD
Assistant Professor, MUSC College of Pharmacy Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Outcomes Sciences; Director of Clinical Services, MUSC Family Medicine Pharmacy

Activity Number

Date: 03/28/20
Time: 03:15 PM - 04:15 PM

CE Hours
